Xdebug’s basic functions include the display of stack traces on error conditions, maximum nesting level protection and time tracking.
Xdebug is a very powerful tool for finding out the errors and testing the implementation of logics using PHP. You can easily install Xdebug in your machine by following these instructions.
Always run
sudo apt-get update
before installing any application. -
There are two sources for installation.
- Ubuntu: This will provide you the application compiled during the building of the OS you are using. Thus, you may get older version of the application and might not get updates frequently.
- PPA: You will get the latest version of the application and frequent updates on the application.
[Optional] Add PPA to your Softwares List. Skip to step #4 if you don’t want to use PPA for installation. But, I recommend to use PPA for frequent updates. Enter these commands in your terminal.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get update
Enter the following command in your terminal to install Xdebug.
sudo apt-get install php-xdebug
After the installation, check the version of xdebug.
php --version PHP 7.0.7-2+donate.sury.org~xenial+1 (cli) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.0.6-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2016, by Zend Technologies with Xdebug v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 2002-2016, by Derick Rethans
Also, you can find the xdebug configuration file using this command in terminal:
php --ini | grep xdebug /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini,
The configuration settings of xdebug can be listed by:
php -i | grep xdebug /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/20-xdebug.ini, xdebug xdebug support => enabled xdebug.auto_trace => Off => Off xdebug.cli_color => 0 => 0 xdebug.collect_assignments => Off => Off xdebug.collect_includes => On => On xdebug.collect_params => 0 => 0 xdebug.collect_return => Off => Off xdebug.collect_vars => Off => Off xdebug.coverage_enable => On => On xdebug.default_enable => On => On xdebug.dump.COOKIE => no value => no value xdebug.dump.ENV => no value => no value xdebug.dump.FILES => no value => no value xdebug.dump.GET => no value => no value xdebug.dump.POST => no value => no value xdebug.dump.REQUEST => no value => no value xdebug.dump.SERVER => no value => no value xdebug.dump.SESSION => no value => no value xdebug.dump_globals => On => On xdebug.dump_once => On => On xdebug.dump_undefined => Off => Off xdebug.extended_info => On => On xdebug.file_link_format => no value => no value xdebug.force_display_errors => Off => Off xdebug.force_error_reporting => 0 => 0 xdebug.halt_level => 0 => 0 xdebug.idekey => no value => no value xdebug.max_nesting_level => 256 => 256 xdebug.max_stack_frames => -1 => -1 xdebug.overload_var_dump => On => On xdebug.profiler_aggregate => Off => Off xdebug.profiler_append => Off => Off xdebug.profiler_enable => On => On xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger => Off => Off xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger_value => no value => no value xdebug.profiler_output_dir => /tmp => /tmp xdebug.profiler_output_name => cachegrind.out.%p => cachegrind.out.%p xdebug.remote_addr_header => no value => no value xdebug.remote_autostart => Off => Off xdebug.remote_connect_back => Off => Off xdebug.remote_cookie_expire_time => 3600 => 3600 xdebug.remote_enable => On => On xdebug.remote_handler => dbgp => dbgp xdebug.remote_host => localhost => localhost xdebug.remote_log => no value => no value xdebug.remote_mode => req => req xdebug.remote_port => 9000 => 9000 xdebug.scream => Off => Off xdebug.show_error_trace => Off => Off xdebug.show_exception_trace => Off => Off xdebug.show_local_vars => Off => Off xdebug.show_mem_delta => Off => Off xdebug.trace_enable_trigger => Off => Off xdebug.trace_enable_trigger_value => no value => no value xdebug.trace_format => 0 => 0 xdebug.trace_options => 0 => 0 xdebug.trace_output_dir => /tmp => /tmp xdebug.trace_output_name => trace.%c => trace.%c xdebug.var_display_max_children => 128 => 128 xdebug.var_display_max_data => 512 => 512 xdebug.var_display_max_depth => 3 => 3
To change the configurations, just change the
file presented in result of above command.
Enjoy debugging with Xdebug in Ubuntu.